Is a checklist for designers to make sure that a variety of accessibility concerns are being addressed in the designs that we deliver.
This checklist uses The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as a reference point. The WCAG is a shared standard for web content accessibility for individuals, organizations, and governments.
Ongoing updates based on the new W3 WCAG guidelines from Oct/2023
There are three levels of accessibility compliance in the WCAG, which reflect the priority of support:
This checklist targets many, but not all level A and AA concerns. Note that the different levels of WCAG support do not necessarily indicate an increased level of difficulty to implement.
No. However, addressing the issues called out in this checklist will help improve the experience for everyone who uses your site.
The topics in this checklist cover a wide range of disabilities and conditions. However, there is no such thing as “perfect accessibility” or a site being “100% accessible.” You should be wary of companies and services that make such promises. If you need professional accessibility help, use professional accessibility services.